Criminal Law

Can I represent myself in my criminal proceedings in court?

By 14 January 2022 No Comments

Yes, you may choose not to engage a lawyer to represent you in your criminal proceedings. However, it is not advisable for you to be self-represented, especially if you intend to claim trial to the charges against you. The legal and evidential issues that may arise during a trial may be complex, making it difficult for lay persons to navigate through them without legal representation. This may then prevent you from putting forward your best case in court.

It is also advisable for you to seek legal representation even if you intend to plead guilty to the charges against you. Accused persons sometimes plead guilty to charges without fully understanding its implications, and subsequently find themselves unable to reverse the process. It is thus advisable for you to obtain legal representation at an early stage of the proceedings to prevent such situations from arising.

Your lawyer will be able to help you navigate the various court processes, ensuring that you are provided with all the information you need to make informed decisions for your case.

If you require more information that are not listed in our articles, or legal advice on a specific matter, please contact us for a free first consultation.